Rachel Grace is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an inspiring spiritual teacher and healer. Her dedication to helping others achieve their spiritual growth is truly remarkable. With her extensive knowledge and experience in crystal healing, energy work, and spiritual practices, Rachel has created a unique platform that empowers individuals to access their highest potential.
Through her brand Grace Crystals, she has built a community that offers support, guidance, and resources for individuals seeking to deepen their connection to themselves and the spiritual realm. Rachel's passion for her work is infectious, and her commitment to serving others is truly awe-inspiring.
Read on for a slice of magic and miracles...
Tell us the journey that led you to launching your brand, Grace Crystals & Academy
Launching my brand came from my own struggles in life and the need to carry forward my father's legacy. The brand, Grace Crystals & Academy, really moved forward and launched after I had a near-death experience in 2009 with the birth of my son. That is another story, but it was the push that I needed to take what I do seriously and begin teaching people. I have been reading for people since I was 15, 33 years ago.
I have been connected to the spirit realm and other dimensions since I can remember, but I never had the support and guidance from those around me. I grew up in a very strict Catholic household, and if you take yourself back to 1985, especially in Australia, there were no crystal shops, metaphysical stores, or places to go to learn or even seek someone to guide me with my gift.
My father was very intuitive and recognized my gift, but it was more so silently acknowledged not to create a spotlight on it, especially with my mother's religious beliefs. As I craved this direction, I really had to work out a lot of my own connection by myself when I was young. It was tough. I was seeing things that others didn't, some good, some not so good, and I felt very alone.
I knew things that others did not know. I found myself in situations where I knew what was going to happen, but I could not explain it to others and had to say, "I just know." I know many of my past lives, and I have a yearning inside me to share my knowledge with the world but also to be a support to those along their own spiritual awakenings. I walked that road with no support, not being able to talk to anyone about it, and wouldn't want that for anyone. It was such a hard time growing up in a world where I was supposed to be just a "normal girl."
The Academy side of my brand came about and is still the main focus of my business due to this need and to be able to assist in the development of others. I now have the largest spiritual Academy in Australia, and as I am aware, I am the only one in Australia that is qualified to teach and certify Mediums and Psychics. I am also very proud to be making a change in this world to clean up this industry of charlatans, those that are not educated, that are practicing for financial self-gain and not to be of service.
The Crystal shop is there to support learning and has always come second in the business. This side of the business is a continuation of my father's work, his legacy lives on. My Dad was a geologist, gemologist, Jeweler, opal miner, and opal dealer. Oh, the rocks he used to come home with, I was a total rockhound since I could walk! I was surrounded by them all my life, and what an amazing energy to be blessed to grow up with. I always thought that perhaps my heightened connection was due to being around the high-frequency crystals. While my father was very much into the science, geology, and design, I was into the magic and wonder of them all. I remember he had a friend that used to come to his workshop often, he knew the metaphysical properties of all the stones. Four-year-old me used to race to the side gate for him to enter awaiting what I would learn that day. This is where my interest in Metaphysics arose from, and I felt when he spoke that, in a way, he knew secretly what I was going through too. When I would hear him speak, my face lit up, I would smile from ear to ear and listen so intensely.
My father was, and still is, such an important part of my life. I spent nearly all my free time, when I wasn't in school, in his workshop watching attentively and learning so much. I learned how to cut and set stones, even cutting them myself, as well as the Mohs hardness scale and the structures of stones, among so much more. I always waited so patiently for him to return from trips around the world. He was very precise in his selection of stones and had the most amazing collections, not only of crystals, but also of precious and semi-precious gemstones. I remember his excitement when Bulgari contacted him to source specific items for their upcoming designs. What an honor! All this knowledge led me to learn more about geology in my adult life, and to bring this learning to the crystals I stock in my online shop so that my students can use them in their healing modalities.
The struggles that I went through as a child have now created a place for those who are having experiences they cannot explain, where they can come and learn while being supported not only by me, but also by the broader community and the crystals.
How did you first discover you had the gift of mediumship?
I was three years old, and this was my first recollection of being able to commune with the spiritual realm. It wasn't your usual experience, like perhaps seeing a loved one who had passed away. Instead, I saw a woman in my mother's bedroom whom I didn't know at all. I sneaked into my mother's room often to sleep, not because I was afraid of the dark, but because I felt a calling to be in there. I would always see this spirit woman in the left top corner of the room, and she seemed to be floating. She would play games with me during the night and interact. This went on for years, and the funny thing was that every time I would see her in my mother's bedroom, I would get in so much trouble for laughing when I was supposed to be sleeping. Later on, I realized that this woman was one of my guides, and until this day, I still talk with her daily in our morning team meetings.
I have always been able to hear, speak, and see spirits just as you would a person walking by you in a shopping centre or sitting at a table in a restaurant. However, I had to keep it a secret due to my upbringing, as my connection was seen to be "the devil's work." I learned to lead a double life and only really stepped forward and was vocal about who I really am between the ages of 15 and 30, but only to the right kind of people.
Have you lost someone close to you and has that changed the way you connect with the spirit world?
The most profound loss that has occurred in my life was my father in 2014. He was my everything and as I shared earlier, we both had a deep connection and love for crystals and gemstones. We had a knowing of each other’s thoughts which were unspoken, language was not needed.
When he passed, I really understood grief. I don’t think that you really can say you experience grief fully when it is someone that is not that close to you, someone that is in your micro world. Is there a sadness? Yes, but not full-blown raw grief. When you lose someone that is essentially a part of you, your DNA, or in this case I was a part of his, then something in you feels lost and I don’t know if that will ever be whole again.
I began to look at the world a little different, I looked at the sky the clouds differently and while I knew in my own education and development about his soul living on, passing through the vortex and into the fourth and fifth dimension the pain was real. During this time, I needed to take a step back from my work. All the readings and healings booked in to really heal myself and to be totally frank with you I don’t think that I have ever healed fully, I don’t think you ever do.
This extreme loss in my life has really changed the way I connect with the spirit world and understand the client that is in front of me requiring some insight into where they are, if their own loved one that has passed away is ok. Although it was such an extreme loss in my life my father is still so present and, in a way, more so now than ever before. I have my father teaching me more about the spirit world and what loved ones do on “the other side”.
I also have been able to bring this connection and knowledge into my courses and classes on spiritual development so my students have a further understanding of the realm. It is so interesting that of course my physical longs to look in his eyes again, hear his voice, to not want to listen to his advice when he gave it to me – I often did that, and to have his arms around me, I miss that terribly, but as a medium I am so thankful that I can still see him, communicate with him and know he is still around telling me what to do and sometimes I still don’t listen. He is a great teacher still in spirit.
You’ve also published a book on numerology, who is your ideal reader?
I published my Numerology Cards and then the Numerology Book, followed by The One Affirmation Cards and the Secrets of the Universe Oracle Deck.
I just love Numerology; I am a Numerologist. I have nearly completed my Astrology certification. This has been a 20-year long journey for me as there is so much in it and need to dedicate all my time to it, but I find that Numerology is not as complicated and anyone can learn it.
I love teaching my Certified course to budding Numerologists. It is interesting; I teach so many people Numerology after they read my monthly forecasts that I now publish as a blog on my website.
There are so many people that are seeing repetitive numbers and head to Google University to find clarity on why. Google spits which are people’s interpretations of the numbers and not the true meaning.
My Numerology book and Card deck are derived from the true western method of Numerology. They are the true meaning, so anyone experiencing seeing these numbers or wish to gain some valuable insight on their life path, what makes them tick, then I would definitely begin to delve into this amazing modality.
What daily rituals do you practice that help you with your career?
I think that it is so important that someone that is teaching spiritual development walks the talk! I have a pretty strict routine when it comes to my daily rituals to keep me connected to the various dimensions and also to be able to download any information my guides provide to create classes and courses from them. I guess it is likened to having a clothing business and the owner or retail assistant wearing their brand. I do have a clothing line and wear it, but again my career is about the spiritual education and Academy so I need to always continually develop and exercise my own gifts.
I set my alarm each morning 15 minutes before I need to get up for the day. This is the most important part of my day to connect with my own team (spirit guides). In this “team meeting”, yes it is like that, I ask them questions, and they respond, giving me insight on what is needed for me on all levels of my life.
During the week, I also have other rituals that I do. There are so many to list and I can add more if needed. I actually just took some students through a week with me, which was all about what I do on a day-to-day basis of my own spiritual practice.
How do you want people to feel when they work with you?
I would love for my clients to feel totally empowered, accepted, settled in their truth, and living their best life, as well as being educated so that they feel no fear! People come to me for many reasons: for readings, healings, education, to be part of a community, or simply because they love pretty rocks (crystals). Regardless of their needs, the one common thread is that they wish to feel normal and accepted in the totality of who they are, including their spirituality.
I am here to make the new age normal!
Being a spiritual person or someone who is stepping into their gifts does not mean that they need to conform to the stereotype that others hold to label who we are. Rather, it's about integrating that part of themselves that has perhaps laid dormant, and is ready to awaken, and having someone on their side to cheer them on. Unfortunately, many people still feel that they are being judged in society.
Anyone who comes to me for a reading, healing, or coaching is educated so that they can step into their own truth and deal with the challenges that they face in their lives. I am an educator at heart, and I believe that we can all be empowered to learn, grow, and find the answers within ourselves. This "gift" I have isn't just for a selected few around the world. Every person on this planet has the ability to tap into what I like to call "Spirit FM" and access a wealth of knowledge for themselves.
If you didn’t pursue this career, what else would you have liked to do?
Oh, I have pursued other careers over the years until my near death experience but what I do now has always been in the background. I worked in Fashion for 16 years; I was also a Hairdresser and taught Hairdressing. I always read for people on the side. I guess I received a calling when I was young to step into my true path but ignored it. I would not be doing anything else. I am living my truth and my best life.
What advice would you offer any aspiring spiritual teachers who are struggling to get started?
Don’t wait until you have a near death experience to step into your truth. I would also advise that you really need to be qualified to teach your modality or to facilitate groups. I feel that those that are part of this industry think that it is easy to hold groups and teach but you really need to know your craft, your modality, to have done and to continue to do the spiritual work on yourself as well as have in depth knowledge of energy. It is also necessary for you to be able to really hold a tight container of the group and be strong enough in your own practice to lead the way. You will know when you are ready, I am sure your guides will let you know in your own team meetings.
Talk us through an average day in your life…
This is so difficult to answer. Although I know what each day holds, I wear a different hat every day, so my routine varies.
Throughout the week, I work on my personal development because I love to continue learning for myself and my business. In addition, I wear many hats such as being the face of the business, the bookkeeper, the educator, the writer, the radio show host, the community leader, the podcaster, the reader, and the healer.
My daily schedule also depends on the needs of my community or the instructions given by my guides during our meetings.
Looking back since launching the business, is there anything that you would do differently?
Oh, there are so many things I could say here, but even the mistakes I have made have been profound learning moments in my business. One thing I do differently now is that I listen to my own gut when making decisions instead of relying on the opinions of others about where they think I should be heading.
Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?
I am going to Egypt with my students later this year, and it's going to be an incredible experience. Alexandria has been on my bucket list for years because my mother's family is from there. I also have heritage in Turkey, and I'm excited to visit Gobekli Tepe. It's amazing to think that I'll be walking in the footsteps of my ancestors and absorbing all the information I can from these magnificent places. I've been teaching the history of ritual and magic from various countries around the world in my membership program for many years, so visiting sacred sites is definitely my thing.
Running a business can be non stop, what do you do to switch off?
I don't think I ever switch off in the way that most people do. In the past, I had other businesses that I could close the door on at 5 pm and not think about until the next day, but this business is different. It's not just about making money; it's about being of service. I think of my students the moment I wake up, just like I do with my children. I'm always thinking of ways to support and teach them better and help them step into their paths.
For me, this work is not just a job; it's an extension of who I am, and I love every aspect of it. I enjoy writing forecasts, creating classes, and journeying to commune with the spirit world to gain more wisdom to share.
In five years from now, where do you see the brand?
While many people have hopes and dreams for their businesses such as financial growth or expansion, for me, the community and intimacy that I have built are what truly matter. My main goal is to be found by those seeking spiritual development, and if I am the right person to assist them on their unique spiritual journey, then that would be the greatest achievement for my brand.
Follow Rachel on her magical journey...
Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.